This study aims to determine the management of Islamic boarding schools in developing positive character of students and supporting and inhibiting factors in the management of Islamic boarding schools. The approach used in this study is a qualitative method with a descriptive type, the data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. In addition, the data analysis techniques used are data condensation, data display, drawing and verifying conclusions. The results of the study indicate that the management of the Nurul Hakim Islamic boarding school is carried out based on operational management such as planning, organizing, implementing, supervising and evaluating. The supporting factors in this study are an integrated learning system with very detailed management, good collaboration and cooperation between all elements of the Islamic boarding school, parents and even the community, students or santri all live in dormitories and can be controlled 24 hours, habits that are carried out with full awareness by students or santri and adequate facilities or can be said to be complete. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factors are the lack of understanding of parents regarding the rules or regulations of the boarding school, input from students from different backgrounds, awareness of students regarding the importance of good character, the number of students or students is large but inversely proportional to the number of teachers which is small.
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