Working in the dense loop representation, we use the planar Temperley–Liebalgebra to build integrable lattice models called logarithmic minimal models . Specifically, we construct Yang–Baxter integrable Temperley–Lieb models on the stripacting on link states and consider their associated Hamiltonian limits. These models andtheir associated representations of the Temperley–Lieb algebra are inherentlynon-local and not (time-reversal) symmetric. We argue that, in the continuumscaling limit, they yield logarithmic conformal field theories with central chargesc = 1−(6(p−p′)2/pp′),where p, p′ = 1, 2, ... are coprime. The first few members of the principal series are critical dense polymers (m = 1, c = −2), criticalpercolation (m = 2,c = 0) and the logarithmicIsing model (m = 3, c = 1/2). For the principal series, we find an infinite family of integrable and conformalboundary conditions organized in an extended Kac table with conformal weightsΔr,s = (((m+1)r−ms)2−1)/4m(m+1),r, s = 1, 2, .... The associated conformal partition functions are given in terms of Virasoro characters ofhighest-weight representations. Individually, these characters decompose into a finitenumber of characters of irreducible representations. We show with examples howindecomposable representations arise from fusion.
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