The application of electronic instrument technology to the health sector requires more detailed quality assurance and is guaranteed in the use, maintenance, repair and/or development of medical instrument devices. Improving the quality and quantity of medical instrument needs to be supported by an increase medical instrument personnel. This research was conducted to examine more about Indonesian medical/electromedical instrument personnel, specifically at vocational high school level in 2020 in an effort to overcome the challenges of the development of instrumental technology in the health sector. The lack of medical instrument personnel must be completed immediately without leaving its quality. Currently, there are regulations regarding the implementation of medical instrument education at the vocational high schools level, but vocational high schools are still constrained by regulations regarding the minimum qualifications for medical instrument education in the applicable regulations. This condition causes vocational high schools to date to have not implemented competency in medical device expertise even though it has been mapped on the spectrum of ministries. In fact, regulations serve as guarantees of operation quality, guarantee of competency criteria, guarantee of work quality, and guarantees for medical instrument personnel.
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