Aim. To improve the prognosis of the course of acute bronchitis based on the study of the etiological factor, clinical and anamnestic and laboratory and instrumental characteristics of acute bronchitis in children infected with chlamydia. Materials and methods. 73 children with acute obstructive bronchitis (AOB) were studied, including 32 children with AOB infected with chlamydia and 41 children with AOB not infected with intracellular infection (ICI). Results. For patients with AOB infected with chlamydia, in comparison with non-infected patients, the presence of febrile fever, intoxication syndrome, absence of expiratory shortness of breath and whistling wheezes, as well as a longer duration of treatment (more than 10 days) are characteristic. In patients infected with chlamydia compared to the norm, there is an increase in the number of T- and B-lymphocytes, which is manifested by an increase in the absolute number of CD3, CD8, CD25, CD4, CD22, the relative content of CD8, CD4, CD16 and CD22, as well as the level of serum IgA, IgG and IgM on against the background of suppression of innate immunity in the form of a decrease in the absorbing function of phagocytes, phagocytosis, phagocytic number and their digestive function; spontaneous and stimulated HST-test, the index of activity of stimulated neutrophils and the level of lysosomal-cationic proteins. That is, the child's immune system in conditions of persistence of ICI is in the mode of overload and imbalance. In patients with chlamydia infection, compared to patients without infection, in relation to T-lymphocytes, the following were found: higher values of the absolute number of CD3, CD4, CD8 and the relative number of CD3, as well as lower values of the absolute number of CD4, CD16, CD25 and the relative content of CD16; relative to B-lymphocytes: higher values of the relative amount of CD22, the level of serum IgA and a low level of IgG in the blood serum; in relation to indicators of innate immunity: a higher value of the phagocytic number, spontaneous HCT test and low values of phagocytosis, phagocytic index; relative to the non-specific humoral link of immunity – a higher level of CIC with 3.5% PEG. Conclusions. The revealed reliable differences in clinical and immunological indicators between groups of patients with AOB, depending on the presence of chlamydia infection, provide a basis for their use for diagnostic purposes as a supplement to traditional, protocol methods of diagnosis.
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