NOTES AND COMMENTS Association News The American Catholic Historical Association was represented by its first vice-president, DavidJ. O'Brien, at the Centennial Convocation of Northeastern University in Boston on October 16, 1997. Conferences, Congresses, and Lectures At the conference on "The Friars and Jews in the Middle Ages and Renaissance ," which was held at Saint Louis University on October 26-28, 1997 (see ante, LXXXIII [July 1997] , 544), two of the twenty-five scholars who presented papers were Larry Simon of Western Michigan University ("Mendicant-Jewish Interaction in Mediterranean Spain in the Thirteenth Century") and Thomas Izbicki ofJohns Hopkins University ("Leonardo Dati's [O.P.] Sermon on the CUcumcision ofJesus [1417]"). The 1997 Edward Surtz Lecture at Loyola University Chicago was deUvered on October 28, 1997, by Francis C. Oakley, Edward Dorr Griffin Professor of the History of Ideas inWilliams CoUege, on the topic,"Popes and CouncUs: England and the Latin Church's Constitutionalist Moment (I6th-17th Centuries)." A multidisciplinary conference on "Theodore Roosevelt and the Dawn of the American Century'"wUlbeheld at Siena CoUege on April 18-19, 1998, and the thirteenth annual multidiscipUnary conference on "World War II—A Dual Perspective " wUl be held at the same place on June 4-5, 1998. Inqiuxies about either conference should be addressed to the conference co-deector,Thomas O. KeUy, II, in care of the Department of History, Siena CoUege, 515 Loudon Road, LoudonvUle, New York 12211-1462; telephone: 518-783-2595; fax: 518-7865052 ; e-mail: The program of the "Internationaler wissenschaftlicher Kongress zum 900jährigen JubUäum" entitled "HUdegard von Bingen in ihrem historischen Umfeld,"which wUl be held at Bingen am Rhein on September 13-20, 1998 (see ante, LXXXIII [July, 1997] , 545), is now avaUable from the dUector of the historical part of the week, AUred Haverkamp. Requests for copies and other information should be addressed to Professor Haverkamp at FB III, Mittelalterliche Geschichte, Universität Trier, 54286 Trier, Germany. The Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, in conjunction with Marist College and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, is organizing an taternational confer162 NOTES AND COMMENTS163 ence on the President's relationship with the Roman CathoUc Church, the Holy See, and the American Catholic community during his tenure (1933-1945). The conference wiU be held on October 7-10, 1998, at the Roosevelt Library in Hyde Park, NewYork, and at Marist CoUege in Poughkeepsie, NewYork. The organizers wUl welcome proposals on aU aspects of the theme, including Roosevelt 's relationship with the CathoUc Church's ethnic constituencies, its hierarchy, and the Vatican, as weU as on the reactions of the CathoUc Church or community to the New Deal and to the international crises of the 1930's and '40's. Proposals on prominent individuals such as Cardinal Francis SpeUman, Father Charles E. Coughlin, Dorothy Day, and Eleanor Roosevelt wiU also be considered , as wül proposals on such themes as anti-CathoUcism or the legacy of the Roosevelt presidency on Church-State relations. Anyone who wishes to present a paper should send byApril 3, 1998, a one-page prospectus ofit and a curriculum vitae to FDR/CathoUc Conference, ta care of the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, 511 Albany Post Road, Hyde Park, New York 12538; telephone : 914-229-5321; fax: 902-229-9046; e-maU: The thirty-fourth International Congress on Medieval Studies wUl be held at Western Michigan University on May 6-9, 1999. Proposals for special or sponsored sessions must be submitted by May 15,1998. They should be addressed to the Medieval Institute,Western Michigan University, 1201 OUver Street, Kalamazoo , Michigan 49008-3801 . Saints and Beati In anticipation of the fourth centenary of the death of St. Peter Cañistas, which occurred on December 21, 1597, Pope John Paul II on September 19, 1997, sent a letter to the Bishops of Germany, recalling that Pope Leo XIII in his encyclical Militantis Ecclesiae, issued for the third centenary, had rightly honored Peter Cañistas with the title of Second Apostle of Germany. TheJesuit was beatified by Pius LX in 1864 and canonized by Pius XI in 1925,when he was also declared a doctor of the Church...
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