The effect of Metarhizium anisopliae var.acridum and four bioactive compounds (Neem,L- Glutamic acid,Schinusmolle and abamectin) in sole treatments and in combination with M. anisopliae var.acridum was studied on activity of Lactate Dehydrogenase Trehalase, Phenol oxidase, and Acid Phosphates in 5thnymphal instar haemolymph of desert locust. Obtained results showed that the integration of M. anisopliae var. acridumand the Four bioactive compounds caused 100 % mortality after six days post treatments, also caused severe reduction in activity of all studied enzymes. M anisopliae var.acridum treatment caused significant reduction in Lactate Dehydrogenase by the second day after treatment, but all treatments caused significant reduction in Lactate Dehydrogenase by 4th day post treatment except Neem. In case of trehalase all treatments were significantly lower than control treatment except abamectin two days post treatment, but by day four all treatments were lower than control, while in the 6th day post treatment S. molle, L- Glutamic acid and Neem treatments caused significant increase in Trehales activity. All treatments caused significant increase in Phenol oxidase activity two days post treatment except L- Glutamic acid and abamectin treatment, while after four days Neem and M.var.acridum treatment were still higher than control, but other treatments were significantly lower than control treatment, by the 6th day post treatment only L- Glutamic acid caused significant increase in Phenol oxidase activity. In the situation of Acid phosphatase activity two days post treatment abamectin , L- Glutamic acid and M. anisopliaevar.acridum + L- Glutamic acid were significantly lower than control, while after four days all treatments were significantly lower than control, after sex days post treatment only M.anisopliaevar.acridum and L- Glutamic acid were lower than control
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