This study was focused primarily on the degradation of lignin in water hyacinth and barley straw for animal-feed production. The experiment was performed in a 1.5-L Applikon fermenter for 30 days, varying the air flow rate from 0.022 VVM/0.047 VMM to 0.048 VVM/0.102 VMM. A novel approach was introduced for prediction of a kinetic model by using instantaneous respiratory quotient (RQ) measurements and steady state elemental balances. Growth kinetics were determined for the fungus in a 30-day fermentation with a mixture of barley straw and water hyacinth as the substrate. The instantaneous heat-interaction profile was predicted from steady state balances. Fermentation data were checked for consistency using the entropy balance inequality, and thermodynamic efficiency was calculated to show that degradation of lignocellulosics byPleurotus ostreatus followed more than one metabolic pathway during the course of the fermentation. Growth ofP. ostreatus on lignocellulosics, such as water hyacinth and barley straw, was di-auxic or possibly tri-auxic during the 30 days of fermentation.