Several species within the fungal genus Metarhizium can both infect insects and colonize plant roots. In Brazil, a specific subgroup within Metarhizium anisopliae s.str. named “subclade Mani 2” is frequently observed infecting above-ground insects, whereas sympatric M. robertsii and M. brunneum predominantly occur in the soil environment. Genotypic variability within the genus may be linked to adaptations to these different habitats. We present a comparative analysis of the complete genomes and the adhesin genes Mad1 and Mad2 of 14 Metarhizium isolates representing M. anisopliae Mani 2 (n = 6), M. robertsii (n = 5) and M. brunneum (n = 3). In addition, the relative gene expression of six selected target genes was compared in root exudate solution and insect cuticle suspension. We hypothesized that M. anisopliae Mani 2 is adapted to insect-pathogenicity in the above-ground environment, reflected by higher relative expression of pathogenicity-related genes. In contrast, M. robertsii and M. brunneum are adapted to the soil environment, hence hypothesized to have a higher expression of genes related to plant associations. Phylogenomic and adhesin phylogenetic trees revealed species differences but also intraspecific variability associated with the geographic origin of isolates. Differences in relative gene expression were observed, with one pathogenicity-related gene ( Pr1 ) being higher expressed in M. anisopliae . The insect adhesion Mad1 gene was more conserved than the plant adhesion Mad2 and similarly expressed in exudate solution, while Mad2 was highly expressed by all Brazilian isolates in both exudate and cuticle conditions. The variabilities observed correlated with different habitats and lifestyles, demonstrating the importance of selecting a diverse collection of isolates in genomic and gene expression studies. • Genotypic variation of Metarhizium correlates with geographic origin. • Intraspecific variation in Mad1 and Mad2 likely reflects adaptation to different habitats. • Variation in expression of host-associated genes reflects functional divergence within Metarhizium .
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