Phospholipids and gangliosides have been analysed in duck and frog retinas. Expressed per g wet weight frog retina is richer in phospholipids and poorer in gangliosides than are duck retina and retinas of other species investigated. The phospholipid and ganglioside patterns are very different in the two species. In frog retina, choline phosphoglycerides and cardiolipin are higher and ethanolamine phosphoglycerides, inositol phosphoglycerides, sphingomyelin and phosphatidic acid much lower than in duck retina. In the latter species, ethanolamine plasmalogen levels are nearly twice as high than in frog retina. In the bird retina there are higher amounts in monosialogangliosides (G M1 and G M3), different distributions in disialogangliosides (G D3, G D1a, G D1b and G D2) and a lower contribution of tri- and tetrasialogangliosides (G T1 and G Q1) than in frog retina. In duck retina we found a new ganglioside called G Y, characterized by an R F lower than that of G Q1. In general, from the lipid analysis of retinas of several species, phospholipid pattern is rather stable and the ganglioside distribution more variable.