Padang Garugur Village in North Padang Lawas Regency has significant economicpotential in agriculture and plantations, especially in processing balakka fruit. However,the problems faced include limited infrastructure, lack of product innovation, and lowcommunity skills in processing and marketing. To overcome this, communityempowerment is needed through training and mentoring that focuses on productinnovation, skills development, and digital marketing. The results of this activity show thatthe development of new products such as Balakka Coffee and Manisan Balakka is able toincrease competitiveness and community income. The implementation of effectivemarketing strategies through social media and digital platforms has successfully expandedmarket reach. In conclusion, innovation and community capacity building can improve thewelfare and economic growth of the village. With a systematic and collaborativeempowerment approach, Padang Garugur Village can become a model of sustainable localwisdom-based community empowerment
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