The Bill on Science and Technology Cooperation between Countries has been introduced in the National Assembly to establish a legal basis for establishing and promoting international joint research policies, such as conducting innovative basic research through free and diverse collaboration with researchers from around the world. The bill aims to provide the basic principles and directions for S&T cooperation between countries necessary to promote the development of domestic S&T and strengthen national competitiveness, and to lay the foundation for a strong S&T nation by activating S&T cooperation between countries. Korea's growth has been achieved through a catch-up S&T system, and now it is time to transform into a leading S&T system, and international cooperation is a key factor for the transition to a leading system. Therefore, the purpose of the bill, which aims to solidify the legislative basis for promoting international cooperation in S&T, is of paramount importance. Given the importance of the bill, it is highly likely that the government will take the initiative to propose it again. In order to improve the bill, this article examines the main contents of the current bill, complements it, and suggests additional contents to be included.
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