Introduction: To investigate how 1% procaine injection therapy, one of the neural therapeutic agents, affects neck disability and pain intensity in patients who have cervical discopathies that are causing chronic neck pain and/or functional limitations Methods: The records of 58 patients diagnosed with cervical discopathy were examined. The Range of Motion values, Neck Disability Questionnaire and Visual Analog Scale scores were compared at baseline and one month after neural therapy. The results of cervical magnetic resonance imaging were analyzed, and the mean scores were compared between the protrusion and bulging. P values of <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: A statistically significant increase was observed in Range of Motion values after NT in all movements of the neck and the decrease in the mean Visual Analog Scale and Neck Disability Index scores after neural therapy were found to be statistically significant in both the protrusion and bulging groups. Conclusion: This is the first study providing evidence of the effects of neural therapy on neck pain severity and neck disability in adult patients with cervical discopathies (protrusion and bulging) presenting with chronic neck pain resistant to medical treatment, who had not yet made a surgical decision.