The tokamak Tore Supra (TS) has been operated since 1988 in Cadarache Centre. With the Composants Internes et Limiteur project, it will be the only machine to be able to exploit the Advanced Tokamak Regimes in steady state operation with three heating systems ICRH, LH, ECRH. The injected RF power in the Torus is a very important parameter of the total energy balance of TS, for this reason we need the best possible knowledge of these powers. The analysis and the explanation of the different RF techniques at low power which have been used in TS on the three RF systems will be described. Principles of the different measurement systems are given. The calibration methods of these systems are discussed and the present status of the calibration uncertainties of the RF measurements is analysed. Finally, when the generators are connected to a dummy load, RF measurements are compared with the calorimetric power measurements. This study allows preparation of improvements of these systems which will be used in these next steps: Composants pour l'Injection de Matière et d'Energie Stationnaire project (B. Beaumont, Tore Supra steady state power and particles injection: the CIMES project, in: Proceedings of the 21st SOFT, Madrid, 2000).