The cantilevered ramp injector has been employed as an effective fuel injection strategy in the shock-induced combustion ramjet engine, and its flow field characteristics have attracted increasing attention. Three-dimensional ReynoldsAveraged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations coupled with the RNG k- turbulence model have been employed to investigate the flow field of a cantilevered ramp injector in a freestream with a Mach number of 6.0. The effects of the angles of attack and sideslip on the flow field of a cantilevered ramp injector have been studied, and the predicted axial distribution of the maximum injectant mole fraction shows good agreement with the available experimental data in public literature. The obtained results show that the case with an angle of attack 3 � can promote the mixing process between the fuel and air most efficiently in a typical cantilevered ramp injector. However, it cannot prevent the premature ignition of the premixed combustible flow. The mixing process cannot be promoted when the normalized axial distance is larger than 7.55 in cases with different angles of sideslip, and larger angles of sideslip can reduce the effect of premature ignition for the premixed combustible flow.
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