During gravity field modeling, the conventional acceleration approach rarely incorporates KBR inter-satellite range rate data from the GRACE mission. To propose an improved acceleration method, this study introduces initial orbital position and velocity vectors to be estimated along with a combination of Cowell, KSG, and Adams integrators. In addition to achieving a full-rank design matrix regarding orbit corrections when constructing observation equations, the proposed method is capable of utilizing range rate observations for gravity field estimation. To verify the reliability of this approach, GRACE data from April 2002 to December 2016 was used to calculate a time series of monthly gravity solutions up to a degree and order of 96, referred to as Tongji-Acc RL06 in this paper. The computed time series are compared with the official models (i.e., CSR RL06, GFZ RL06, and JPL RL06) in terms of geoid degree variances, signal contents over distinct areas, and noise levels in desert regions. The investigations lead to the following conclusions: (a) the geoid degree variances indicate that Tongji-Acc RL06 exhibits comparable signal levels (approximately below 20 degrees) to the other three models while demonstrating lower noise at higher degrees (above 40 degrees); (b) the analysis over the globe, typical river basins, and land–ice regions illustrates that the solutions derived using the proposed acceleration method agree well with the official models based on the dynamic approach; (c) especially over the two large-scale river basins (i.e., Amazon and Zambezi) and another two small-scale river basins (i.e., Tennessee and Irrawaddy), Tongji-Acc RL06 significantly improves the SNR values; and (d) in the cases of the Sahara and Karakum deserts, Tongji-Acc RL06 achieves noise reductions of over 55.8% and 61.5% relative to CSR RL06, respectively. In general, the signal and noise analyses demonstrate that the proposed acceleration-based approach can effectively extract gravity field signals from KBR inter-satellite range rate observations with improved SNR, while significantly reducing the high-frequency noise.
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