Objective. To combine the determination of ischemia class indicators according to the WIfI classification and simultaneous performance of ultrasound duplex scanning of the arteries of both lower extremities during the initial examination of patients with diabetes mellitus and peripheral arterial disease to predict healing, determine the risk of amputation and the need for revascularisation. Materials and methods. We treated 74 patients with diabetes mellitus and peripheral arterial disease who had signs of infection, ulceration or destruction of deep foot tissues. Patients were divided into two groups: the main group – 43 patients (ischaemia class was determined by the WIfI classification with simultaneous performance of ultrasound duplex scanning of the lower extremity arteries with assessment of lesions by ultrasound criteria) and the control group – 31 patients (ischaemia class according to the WIfI classification was determined only by portable Doppler). Patients in both groups received comprehensive treatment. Results. During the 1–year follow–up, the frequency of re–hospitalisation associated with deterioration of the condition due to limb ischaemia in the main group was statistically significantly (p=0.03) lower than in the control group. Conclusions. The integration of ultrasound duplex scanning at the initial stage of diagnosis allows to determine the degree of ischemia more accurately and to refer the patient for vascular correction in time.
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