Demographic models are widely used to produce management recommendations for different species. For invasive plants, current management recommendations to control local population growth are often based on data from a limited number of populations per species, and the assumption of stable population structure (asymptotic dynamics). However, spatial variation in population dynamics and deviation from a stable structure may affect these recommendations, calling into question their generality across populations of an invasive species. Here, I focused on intraspecific variation in population dynamics and investigated management recommendations generated by demographic models across 37 populations of a short-lived, invasive perennial herb (Lupinus polyphyllus). Models that relied on the proportional perturbations of vital rates (asymptotic elasticities) indicated an essential role for plant survival in long-term population dynamics. The rank order of elasticities for different vital rates (survival, growth, retrogression, fecundity) varied little among the 37 study populations regardless of population status (increasing or declining asymptotically). Summed elasticities for fecundity increased, while summed elasticities for survival decreased with increasing long-term population growth rate. Transient dynamics differed from asymptotic dynamics, but were qualitatively similar among populations, that is, depending on the initial size structure, populations tended to either increase or decline in density more rapidly than predicted by asymptotic growth rate. These findings indicate that although populations are likely to exhibit transient dynamics, management recommendations based on asymptotic elasticities for vital rates might be to some extent generalised across established populations of a given short-lived invasive plant species.
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