In connection with educational reforms and continuous development of educational technologies, the traditional form of education faces new challenges and requirements. Modern education puts students in the centre of attention, emphasizes the independence of the learning process and versatile development. Especially in fine arts, the traditional form of teaching often causes children to feel bored. Traditional teaching models are mainly teacher-centred, emphasize one-way transfer of knowledge and ignore students’ motivation and initiative in learning. The purpose of this study is to investigate the importance of games in developing children’s motivation in fine arts. Through observation and analysis of games and review of relevant literature, it is found that games play a positive role in developing children’s motivation in fine arts. Gamification can also increase children’s interest and participation in art education. By introducing game elements into art education, children are found to be more engaged in the learning process. In addition, games can stimulate children’s creativity and imagination, improve their sense of aesthetics, and enhance their understanding and appreciation of fine arts. Thus, play methodology can be one of the effective means of primary art education.