The purpose of this paper is to check the impact of observer and Palatini $f(R)$ terms in the formulations of inhomogeneity factors of spherical relativistic systems. We consider Lema\^{i}tre-Tolman-Bondi dynamical model as a compact object and studied its evolution with both tilted and non-tilted observers. We performed our analysis for particular cases of fluid distribution in tilted frame and found some energy density irregularity variables. We found that these variables are drastically different from those observed by non-tilted observer. The conformal flat dust and perfect matter contents are homogeneous as long as they impregnate vacuum core. However, this restriction is relaxed, when the complexity in the fluid description is increased. The radial fluid velocity due to tilted congruences and Palatini $f(R)$ curvature terms tend to produce hindrances in the appearance of energy-density inhomogeneities in the initially regular spherical stellar populations.