Purpose. To develop mathematical models of unsteady heat and mass transfer during the infrared (IR) drying process, and to create an algorithm for calculating the variable power of IR energy input to ensure quality drying of thermolabile material. Methods. The methods of mathematical modeling used to describe the unsteady drying process of thermolabile material in a dryer are based on the formalized description in the form of nonlinear inhomogeneous differential equations, taking into account the change in the power of IR energy input during the drying process. Results. A dependency for calculating the perceivable power of the IR source by the grain, based on the given process mode parameters, has been obtained. The drying kinetics of the grain, derived from formula (10), more accurately characterizes the process from a physical point of view than the drying equation (8) with a constant coefficient kck. It was established that three characteristic periods of the drying process can be traced in the graphical dependencies: I – heating; II – constant drying rate; III – falling drying rate. The calculation of heat fluxes for downward cross-ventilation of the grain layer, where air washes over IR heaters and reflectors and heats up to 35 °C, is presented. It was found that in the implementation of the process with a downward airflow, it is necessary to supply 20–25 % less radiant energy to the material at the same drying exposures according to the graphical dependencies. Conclusions. A mathematical description of the unsteady drying process of thermolabile material in a dryer, considering the change in the power of IR energy input during drying, has been formulated. An algorithm for calculating parameters that can be used for process identification and optimization of the operating parameters of existing grain dryers has been developed. Keywords: drying, grain material, mathematical model, diffusive transfer, moisture content, temperature, speed.
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