The aim of the project is to evaluate the efficiency of the product based in Ethephonin® the standartization of the maturation of the fruits, in an answer of the mechanical harvest and the quality of the coffee beverage. The study was conducted at Aruã Farm, in Piumhi, Southwest of Brazil. The plants used in the research are from Coffea arábica L, planted in 2005, in the space of 3.2m x 0.60m. The experimental design adopted had randomized blocks with four treatments: T1 – Ethephon® (130ml/100ml water), T2 – controlling treatment, T3 – Ethephon® plus pH reductor (130ml plus 40ml/100 L water), T4 – Ethephon® plus bioprotector (130 ml plus 285.71 gr/100 L water) and 4 repetitions, totalizing, 16 parcels. To determine the percentual of the leaves fall of the coffee trees, four scores of the leaves: before applying the product, 15 days after applying, before and after the mechanical harvest. The harvest started when, the maturation of the beans got the following levels: T1 – 89.79% of cherry fruits, T2 – 72.98% of fruits, T – 86.02% of cherry fruits, T4 86.63% of cherry fruits. After the harvest the beans were taken to testes, of the region. The product Ethephon influenced in the maturation of the coffee fruits, increasing the efficiency of the mechanical harvest, reducing the volume (percentual) of the pass through. The product didn’t influence the defoliation of the plants. There was no interference among the treatments to taste the beverages and the samples ranking.