Purpose: This study investigates the influence of informational internet banking on the performance of COPEDU PLC Microfinance in Rwanda. It explores how access to online banking information affects customer satisfaction, retention, and overall financial performance. By focusing on non-transactional digital services, the study evaluates the extent to which informational internet banking impacts transparency, customer engagement, and financial literacy among clients. Methodology: The researcher employed a descriptive case study research design that integrated both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The study population comprised 74 individuals, and therefore, a census sampling technique was employed to select all 74 respondents. The researcher employed the SPSS software application to analyze the data. Mean, standard deviation, and percentages are utilized for data analysis. Pearson correlations were employed to establish the relationships among the variables. Findings: The regression analysis results demonstrated a significant correlation between the predictors (Informational internet banking, Transactional internet banking, and Communicative internet banking) and the dependent variable, Financial Performance, with a R value of 0.720, indicating a high degree of correlation. The R Square value of 0.519 signifies that around 51.9% of the variance in financial performance is elucidated by these predictors. The adjusted R Square of 0.497 provides a more precise estimate by considering the number of predictors in the model. A substantial majority of respondents (57.1%) agree that internet banking provides easy access to account information, reflected in a high mean score of 4.57. Additionally, 68.6% believe that the availability of internet banking services has improved customer satisfaction, with a mean of 4.64. The data suggests that informational internet banking has effectively reduced the need for in-person visits (61.4% agreement, mean 4.50) and has enhanced transparency in financial transactions (55.7% agreement, mean 4.56). Furthermore, respondents acknowledge that internet banking has positively impacted COPEDU's operational efficiency (57.1% agreement, mean 4.53) and improved the speed and convenience of accessing financial information (57.1% agreement, mean 4.49). Lastly, the provision of timely financial updates through internet banking was seen to contribute to better decision-making, with 50% of respondents agreeing (mean 4.44). Overall, the findings underscore the critical role of informational internet banking in enhancing customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and informed decision-making at COPEDU PLC. In conclusion, the study demonstrates that informational internet banking significantly enhances customer satisfaction and operational efficiency at COPEDU PLC Microfinance, indicating its essential role in modern financial services. Unique Contribution to Theory, Practice and Policy: The research was underpinned by agency theory, contingency theory, behavioral theory, and information theory. It is recommended that COPEDU continues to invest in and promote its digital banking services, ensuring that clients are aware of the benefits and features available to them. For future research, it would be valuable to explore the long-term effects of digital banking on client retention and financial performance, as well as to examine the challenges and barriers faced by customers in utilizing these services effectively.