The availability of prompt and reliable information about what is happening in the market significantly improves the decision making capability of the farmers and strengthens their bargaining power. Disseminating the information through various media like radio, newspapers, blackboard display and public address system at market yards is now turned history; as stale information is of no help to farmers in taking decisions concerning marketing of their produce. The information of prices, prevailing in other or nearby markets due to inability of Market Committees in disseminating the information in respect of their own markets, is a blunder to the extent, that it should be declared as cognizable offence, in the present era information revolution brought by convergence of all the technical tools available for information. All said and done, but all these inefficiencies ultimately force the farmer, due to their unawareness, to land into exploitative and uncaring death claws of stoic market forces. This Case Study cum Status Paper has compiled number of ways Information Communication Technology tools can be applied for transforming the Indian Agriculture. If the country has to win the battle for economic supremacy, then this will have to be done for changing the farmers’ destiny. They urgently need the real time information on many variables in full crop cycle, i.e., sowing to selling. The farmers are the food providers for any society; if they are sleeping hungry then none in the society can afford to be comfortable. The case further details the various initiatives and schemes launched by both, the Government of India as well as Corporate Sector, particularly those operating in niche area, sometimes called as Agribusiness or Food Business. The study is supposed to acquaint the student to basics on use of information technology in agriculture by making him understand the Need, Importance and Use of Information Communication Technology Tools, in transforming in transforming the face of agriculture. Author acknowledges the contribution provided in development of this case study or status paper, by the facilities provided by College of Agribusiness Management, Govind Ballabh Pant Krishi Evam Prodyogik Vishwa Vidyalaya, Pantnagar, U. S. Nagar, PIN 263145, Uttarakhand, India. Author takes the pleasure of thanking the Learned Dean of the College and Hon’ble Vice – Chancellor of the University for their Kind and benevolent administration, which facilitated the work of this nature. Author is also grateful to the people with vision and zeal for having developed good number of information communication technology models to penetrate even in most remote area, tn the endeavour to change the destiny Indian Farmers.
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