The purpose of this article is: 1) to clarify and to determine the extent of influence architectural conditions have upon the morale and the environmental distress of the residents of old age homes. 2) To clarify and to determine, the kind and the extent of influence, architectural conditions have upon the residents of old age homes, through a model operational analysis of the relationship between environmental system of old age homes, and the environmental adaptability of the residents. Method I selected 377 residents (Average age 76.3 years old) from eight facilities, (6 Homes for the Aged, 1 Type A & B Homes with Moderate Fee) in Tokyo, for this research. The subjects and the places of research has been the same as it had been in my previous report (Kodama, 1988). I used The Architectural Features Checklist (Kodama, 1986) to evaluate the architectural conditions of these eight facilities. Then obtained the architectural scores on each of the following eight categories: 1) physical amenity, 2) socio-recreational aids, 3) prosthetic aids, 4) informational aids within the building, 5) safety features, 6) architectural individuality, 7) space and equipment, 8) community accessibility. The Architectural Complaints Checklist was used to evaluate the amount of the residents' architectural complaints. Then the architectural complaint scores on the same eight categories listed on the Architectural Features Checklist were obtained. Residents' environmental distress was measured by the Environmental Distress Checklist (ED) and the scores in the following five categories were obtained: aggression, deactivation, depression, nervousness, and loneliness. Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale was used to evaluate the life satisfaction of the residents. Conclusion 1) The effect of architectural scores upon the scores of each ED categories and upon the Morale scores. I classified the architectural scores for each category into five groups, as it has been done in my previous re-port I 1) 0. 0-39. 9, 2) 40. 0-59. 9, 3) 60. 0-79. 9, 4) 80. 0-99. 9, 5) 100. 0. ED Scores and Morale Scores for above five score groups of each category of The Architectural Features Checklist were obtained. The effect, the scores on the eight categories of The Architectural Features Checklist had upon aggression, deactivation, depression, nervousness, loneliness, and morale, were minimal. 2) The influence of architectural complaint scores upon ED and Morale scores. The architectural complaint scores on each category were classified into the following four score groups '. 1) 0. 0, 2) 1. 0-19. 9, 3) 20. 0-39. 9, 4) 40. 0 and above. ED scores and Morale scores for four score groups of each category of the Architectural Complaints were obtained. This research has revealed that many categories on the Architectural Complaints Checklist greatly affect the amount of the residents' aggression, deactivation, depression, nervousness, and loneliness. The scores for these ED categories increase as the architectural complaint scores move up from score group 1 to 4. Morale scores have been mainly affected by physical amenity, space and equipment, architectural individuality, etc., on the six categories of Architectural Complaints. Morale scores decreased as the architectural complains scores on each of these categories increased from score group 1 to 4. We can expect to induce better environmental adaptability by decreasing the architectural complaint scores on each category. It is especially very important that special consideration be given to the improvement of space and equipment, architectural individuality, and prosthetic aids. 3) The influence of personal factors upon ED and Morale scores. The sex, health, physical functional capability to lead a normal daily life, and daily activities, all greatly affected the ED and Morale scores. The scores for aggression, deactivation, depression,
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