An important class of model Hamiltonians for investigation of topological phases of matter consists of mobile, interacting particles on a lattice subject to a semiclassical gauge field, as exemplified by the bosonic Harper-Hofstadter model. A unique method for investigations of two-dimensional quantum systems are the infinite projected-entangled pair states, as they avoid spurious finite-size effects that can alter the phase structure. However, due to no-go theorems in related cases, this was often conjectured to be impossible in the past. In this Letter, we show that upon variational optimization, the infinite projected-entangled pair states can be used to this end by identifying fractional Hall states in the bosonic Harper-Hofstadter model. The obtained states are characterized by showing exponential decay of bulk correlations, as dictated by a bulk gap, as well as chiral edge modes via the entanglement spectrum. Published by the American Physical Society 2024
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