If x is a non-empty string then the repetition xx is called a tandem repeat. Similarly, a tandem in a two-dimensional array X is a configuration consisting of copies of a same primitive block W that touch each other with one side or a corner. In [6], Apostolico and Brimkov have proved various bounds for the number of tandems in a two-dimensional word of size m×n. Of the two types of tandems considered therein, they also proved that, for one type, the number of occurrences in an m×n Fibonacci array attained the general upper bound, O(m2nlogn). In this paper, we derive an expression for the exact number of tandems in a given finite Fibonacci array fm,n. As a required result, we derive the factor complexities of fm,n, m,n≥0 and that of the infinite Fibonacci word f∞,∞. Generations of f∞,∞ and fm,n, for any given m,n≥1 using a two-dimensional homomorphism are also achieved.
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