Case Studies1 August 1967Infiltrative Ophthalmopathy and Primary HypothyroidismROBERT A. FOX, M.D., THEODORE B. SCHWARTZ, M.D., F.A.C.P.ROBERT A. FOX, M.D.Search for more papers by this author, THEODORE B. SCHWARTZ, M.D., F.A.C.P.Search for more papers by this authorAuthor, Article, and Disclosure Information SectionsAboutPDF ToolsAdd to favoritesDownload CitationsTrack CitationsPermissions ShareFacebookTwitterLinkedInRedditEmail ExcerptExophthalmos and associated eye changes are classically linked with hyperthyroidism in the form of Graves' disease, and the ophthalmopathy may persist or progress in severity even though the euthyroid state is restored or hypothyroidism supervenes. In recent years it has become evident that infiltrative ophthalmopathy may occur in euthyroid individuals in whom there is no evidence of prior hyperthyroidism (1-4). This report is presented primarily to draw attention to the fact that infiltrative ophthalmopathy may also appear in hypothyroid individuals without a previous history of hyperthyroidism.CASE REPORTPatient B. T. (PSLH 795904) is a 40-year-old white housewife who was...
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