BACKGROUND: Osteonecrosis of the femoral head in Gaucher disease typeI is an irreversible bone manifestation of the disease. The cause and mechanisms of osteonecrosis in Gaucher disease are still unknown, and their clinical and radiological characteristics must be taken into account when choosing treatment strategy. AIM: To analyze the radial and morphological changes in the proximal femur after osteonecrosis of the femoral head in typeI Gaucher disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 251adult patients with typeI Gaucher disease from the Russian National Registry; histological examination of 22removed femoral bone fragments obtained during total hip replacement in 20patients with Gaucher disease and 9 in patients of the control group was performed. RESULTS: Osteonecrosis of the femoral head is detected in 30% of adult patients with Gaucher disease, and in 20% of patients it lead to femoral head collapse. Spongy bone osteosclerosis of the metaphysis, expansion/swelling of the bone marrow cavity with secondary osteopenia and osteoporosis of the proximal femur were often accompanied by osteonecrosis of the femoral head, creating technical difficulties during surgery. The histological picture revealed a picture of chronic bone ischemia of the proximal femoral metaepiphysis, which was confirmed by the identification of common areas of osteosclerosis during X-ray and MRI examination. Bone marrow infiltration by Gaucher cells in histological preparations persisted regardless of the duration of enzyme replacement therapy against the background of preserved regenerative potential of bone tissue. CONCLUSIONS: Тhe revealed features of the X-ray, MRI and histological picture should be taken into account when planning and conducting orthopedic operations for osteonecrosis of the femoral head in patients with type I Gaucher disease.
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