The total hydroxyproline of the diaphragms of mice infected with T. spiralis increased over that of uninfected about day 25 PI. The rates of incorporation of proline and methionine into protein of infected diaphragms were above those of uninfected after day 13 PI. These findings are discussed in terms of the chronology of trichinella-cyst formation and in terms of changes in the morphology and RNA metabolism of infected muscle fibers. Stewart and Read (1972) demonstrated marked changes in the total ribonucleic acid (RNA) and rates of synthesis of RNA in trichinosed versus uninfected diaphragm muscle. The earliest of these changes occur concomitantly with reported morphological alterations in infected fibers (Ribas-Mujal and Rivera-Pomar, 1968; Fasske and Themann, 1961). Read (1970) reviewed various studies indicating that profound chemical changes occur in host muscle during the early stages of infection with trichinella. Ritterson (1966) and Bruce (1970) have shown that trichinella cysts are composed primarily of collagen. It was the object of the present study to examine certain aspects of the biochemical development of trichinella cysts in host muscle. Changes in total collagen, the rates of incorporation of proline, and the relation of cyst protein synthesis to the total protein synthetic activity of infected versus uninfected diaphragm muscle were investigated. MATERIALS AND METHODS The source of trichinella, method of excystment of the muscle larvae, and the procedure for the infection of experimental animals were those used in previous studies (Stewart and Read, 1972). Male, 5-week-old Swiss white mice (Texas Inbred Mice Co., Houston, Texas) were used in all experiments. To minimize the age disparity between muscle larvae, the anthelminthic methyridine was used to abbreviate the period of infection by adults in the intestines of experimental animals (Stewart and Read, 1972). All experimental animals were infected with 1,000 larvae and methyridine was given on day 11 PI (postinfection) at a dose rate of 500 mg/kilo. Received for publication 6 July 1972. * This work was partially supported by a grant from the NIH (2T01 AI00106). In all experiments the RNA and protein fractions were removed from the muscle by a modified method of Schmidt and Thannhauser (1945). Total RNA was determined by the orcinol method of Dische (1955), protein was assayed by the method of Lowry et al. (1951), and total hydroxyproline was determined by the method of Bergman and Loxley (1963). In the experiments of protein synthesis the diaphragms of infected and uninfected mice were removed, washed briefly in Krebs-Ringers solution containing 25 mh tris-maleate buffer at pH 7.4 (KRT), and placed in 50-ml Erlenmeyer flasks containing 1.25 ,uM 14C-proline (sp. act. = 1.6 ,uCi/tuM) or 2 AuM 35S-methionine (sp. act. = 5 ACi/AuM) and 10 mh glucose in 25 ml KRT. All incubations were for 1 hr at 37 C with oxygen bubbled directly into the medium. After 1 hr diaphragms were removed from the incubation medium, rinsed twice in KRT, blotted on filter paper, and placed in dry test tubes immersed in a dry ice-acetone bath. After all incubations were completed, the diaphragms were homogenized in cold 0.5 N perchloric acid and submitted to the Schmidt-Thannhauser extraction procedure. In experiments on the incorporation of 14Cproline and 35S-methionine, radioactivity of two 0.5-ml aliquots of the protein fraction from each diaphragm was determined in a gas-flow counter. Two-milliliter samples of the protein fraction from each diaphragm collected on selected days were hydrolyzed in 6 N HC1 at 125 C for 1 hr in sealed ampoules. The protein hydrolysates were evaporated to dryness and redissolved in 0.1 N HC1 and the disposition of the radioactivity was determined on a Technicon amino acid analyzer and a Packard Tri-Carb analyzer. It was found that the amount of 14C-proline hydroxylated to hydroxyproline in 1 hr in vitro incubations could not be detected. Therefore, on days 12, 21, and 28 PI 3 infected and 3 uninfected mice were injected intraperitoneally with 4 JtCi of 14C-proline and killed 24 hr after injection of the isotope. The diaphragms of these mice were removed, and an aliquot of the extracted protein fraction was hydrolyzed and the disposition of the label was determined by the above methods. In experiment I determination of the rates of incorporation of proline, total hydroxyproline, and total RNA were carried out on the same experi-
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