A multichannel-potential model, which incorporates some relativistic kinematics, correct threshold behaviors, space-time symmetries and coupling to channels containing unstable particles is developed. The model is a generalization of the separable-potential model of Yamaguchi. It is applied to πN scattering in theI=1/2,J=1/2+ state. The πN and σN (where σ is an unstableI=0,J=0+ two-pion state) channels are taken into account. The parameters of the model are adjusted to give 1) a nucleon bound state at the physical nucleon mass, 2) a zero in the πN amplitude at a pion laboratory kinetic energy of 150 MeV, 3) the πN Roper resonance at a pion laboratory kinetic energy of 600 MeV and 4) the experimental inelasticity parameter. We then find theN coupling constant\(g\frac{2}{\pi }\) /4π=15.2 and the πNI=1/2,J=1/2+ scattering lengtha11=−0.06 in units of the cube of the pion Compton wavelength, in fair agreement with the experimental values\(g\frac{2}{\pi }\) /4π=15.1±0.006 anda11=−0.101±0.007, respectively. The πN coupling constant\(g\frac{2}{\pi }\) /4π was found to be ∼7 in comparison with estimates of ∼ 4÷5 from the analysis of nucleon-nucleon scattering.
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