The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of entrepreneurial competencies and entrepreneurial innovation on sustainability performance with moderation of entrepreneurial bricolage (Study on Endek Weaving in Klungkung Regency). This study uses a quantitative approach and uses the population as a sample. The sampling design uses non-probability sampling with saturated sample technique that uses all members of the population of 97 participants consisting of owners or managers as managers of Endek weaving. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed directly and google form. Data analysis techniques were analyzed descriptively and inferential statistics using the WarpPLS 7.0 program. The analysis showed that entrepreneurial competencies and entrepreneurial innovation have a significant positive effect on sustainability performance. Moderation of entrepreneurial bricolage weakens the relationship between entrepreneurial competencies and sustainability performance, including in the category of pure moderation. Entrepreneurial bricolage is not able to moderate the relationship of entrepreneurial innovation on sustainability performance, which shows the type of potential moderation. The implication of this research is that to improve sustainability performance, Endek weaving owners or managers need to improve and optimize the integration of entrepreneurial competencies, entrepreneurial innovation and entrepreneurial bricolage as a step towards achieving sustainability and maintaining the existence of Endek weaving in the long term.
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