Symptomatic Dermographism (SD), also known as "urticaria factitia", is the most common subtype of chronic inducible urticaria. Affected patients develop itch and strip-shaped wheals that usually last for 30min after minor stroking, rubbing, or scratching of the skin. The quality of life (QoL) of patients with SD is often strongly affected. However, a QoL instrument to properly assess this impairment is not yet available. The aim of this study was to develop the first disease-specific patient reported outcome measure|patient reported outcome measures (PROM) to evaluate QoL impairment in SD patients, the Symptomatic Dermographism Quality of Life Questionnaire (SD-QoL). SD-QoL was developed following current guidelines for PROM development. We first generated a hypothetical conceptional framework of the SD-QoL, followed by an item generation and an item selection/reduction phase. During the item generation phase, 69 potential items of the SD-QoL were generated by applying a combined approach consisting of literature review, expert input as well as semi-structured interviews with affected patients. During the item selection phase, we reduced this long list of items to a final 13-item set by means of impact analysis, inter-item correlation, and additional criteria for item reduction, including an expert review for content (face) validity. Finally, a US-American-English version of the SD-QoL was developed using a structured translation process. The SD-QoL is the first disease-specific-QoL instrument for SD with a recall period of 7days that allows the assessment of QoL in SD patients. A subsequent validation study will determine its validity and reliability.
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