In this paper, a distributed relative humidity (RH) or moisture sensor is proposed. The proposed structure is a single mode telecommunication optical fiber coated by humidity sensitive and insensitive polymers periodically. The polymer coated fiber is surrounded by a high Young’s modulus material such as stainless steel mesh. The swelling of the coated Humidity Sensitive Polymers (HSPs) as a result of moisture absorption induces fiber gratings in the single mode fiber. Depending on the coating period relative to the light wavelength, the induced fiber grating can be Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) or Long Period Fiber Grating (LPFG). The light reflected by the induced FBG or losses due to the coupled energy to the cladding modes in the induced LPFG can be employed to describe the sensor operation. Since long period length (LPFG) manufacturing is much simpler than short period length (FBG) sensors, this investigation is concentrated on the long period length sensors.