PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 配偶选择中“听众效应”及鸣唱对雌性灰文鸟行为的影响 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201501290238 作者: 作者单位: 辽宁大学生命科学院,辽宁大学生命科学院,辽宁大学生命科学院,辽宁大学生命科学院,辽宁大学生命科学院 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 国家自然科学基金项目(31100271) Effects of “audience effects” and song on female Padda oryzivora mate choice behavior Author: Affiliation: Department of Life Sciences, Liaoning University,,,,Department of Life Sciences, Liaoning University Fund Project: 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:配偶选择是性选择研究核心问题之一。雌性通过选择高质量的雄性配偶获得直接利益,如资源、营养和保护等,也可以通过获得高质量雄性提高后代的适合度。配偶选择研究对于研究性选择机制和进化均具有重要意义。目前,对配偶选择的研究主要集中在影响配偶选择的因素及雌性"听众效应"中雄性-雄性竞争方面。鸣唱对配偶选择的影响和雄性"听众效应"中雌性-雌性竞争的研究对于探索鸟类配偶选择中信号交流、调整的方式及选择策略均具有重要意义。以灰文鸟为对象,研究了雄性鸣唱对雌性配偶选择的影响及雄性"听众效应"对雌性灰文鸟同性竞争行为的影响进行了探讨。实验一利用双向选择装置,以配偶鸣唱(求偶鸣唱或非求偶鸣唱)和非配偶鸣唱(求偶鸣唱或非求偶鸣唱)对雌鸟进行刺激,观察雌鸟对两端鸣唱的偏爱状况。实验二主要观察雌鸟之间在无听众、听众为熟悉的雄性和听众为配偶条件下的竞争行为。结果表明,雌性灰文鸟大多偏爱配偶鸣唱,相对于配偶的非求偶鸣唱更偏爱非配偶的求偶鸣唱。求偶鸣唱比非求偶鸣唱更具有吸引力,求偶鸣唱更能刺激雌性灰文鸟配偶选择的积极性,这种积极要付出更多的时间和资源,但雌鸟可以通过选择更高质量的雄性配偶获益。在配偶雄性作为听众条件下雌鸟攻击行为最高,显著高于熟悉雄性为听众的条件下,并且两者都显著高于无听众条件下雌鸟的攻击行为。雌性灰文鸟会基于不同"听众"而对雌-雌竞争行为做出适当调整。上述研究结果对于深入理解鸟类的性选择行为机制具有重要帮助作用。 Abstract:Mate choice is one of the most important aspects of sexual selection, and uncovering the mechanisms behind mate choice is a central issue in sexual selection studies. Females choose high-quality males as mates to obtain direct benefits such as resources, nutrition, and protection, and in doing so they acquire indirect genetic benefits for future generations. Further studies of female mate choice would improve our understanding of sexual selection and evolutionary processes. Song is one of the most important secondary sexual characteristics in birds and can reflect male territory quality and genetic and physiological status. Females can extract information about male quality by assessing their songs, and more complex songs are preferred over simple ones. Birds inhabit a communication network in which individuals can assess the quality of potential mates by visual and auditory observation of their interactions. In addition, individuals being observed may adjust their signaling behavior. Audience effects are defined as changes in signaling behavior of an individual engaged in an interaction due to the presence of an audience consisting of a conspecific witnessing the interaction. To date, studies of sexual selection have mainly focused on the driving factors of mate choice and on female audience effects on female-female competition. In contrast, there is limited knowledge about the effects of bird song on mate choice and about male audience effects on female-female competition. Here, we investigated the effects of male song on female mate choice and the male audience effect on female-female competition in Padda oryzivora. In the first part of the study, we used a two-way choice device and stimulated the female by courtship or other songs of a spouse and other males, and we observed female song preference. In the second part of the study, females were observed under three conditions: (a) in the absence of an audience, (b) in the presence of a familiar male, and (c) in the presence of a mate. Our results showed that female P. oryzivora preferred the spouse's song and preferred courtship songs of other males to the non-courtship song of their mates. The courtship song was more attractive than other songs, and its effects were much stronger in stimulating positive female mate choice. The courtship chirp caused a positive response in the female. Females expended more time and resources, but also benefited more, by selecting higher-quality mates. Female P. oryzivora were more aggressive in the presence than in the absence of a male and were more aggressive in the presence of the mate than in the presence of a familiar male. Females appropriately adjust female-female competition behavior when under the male audience effect; whether this is a result of males choosing mates by observing this competition remains to be examined, as does female-female competition in the wild. These results improve our understanding of the underlying mechanism of mate choice behavior in birds. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献
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