Background: Now-a-days, use of machines is becoming important due to shortage of labour for field operations. One such case is seed drill sowing which warranted enough seed size for easy sowing. Pelleting of seed is one of the techniques through which the size of the seed can be increased thereby it can be sown easily by seed drill. Green gram is one of the important pulses which needs pelleting technique for mechanized sowing. Methods: The experiments on standardization of seed pelleting technique and evaluating under field conditions were conducted in the Department of Seed Science and Technology, Seed Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India during 2019-2022. The green gram var. CO 8 seeds were primed and pelleted with TNAU pelleting mixture. Then, the pelleted seeds were sown by pneumatic seed drill and evaluated for its field performance. Result: The results showed that the green gram seeds primed with MnSO4 @ 0.5% and pelleted with 7 layers of TNAU pelleting mixture along with imidacloprid 70 WS @ 7 g/kg have recorded increased seedling vigour without affecting the seed germination. Also, the seeds sown by seed drill have recorded with better plant growth traits and higher yield. Also, single seed placement was achieved by seed drill sowing and about 25% seeds can be saved.
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