Psyllids (class Insecta: order Hemiptera: superfamily Psylloidea) are a taxonomically and phylogenetically challenging clade. Recent studies have largely advanced the phylogeny of this group, yet the family-level relationships among Aphalaridae, Carsidaridae, and others remain unresolved. Genome-scale phylogenetic analysis is known to provide a finer resolution for problems like that. However, such phylogenomics also introduces new problems: incorrect trees with high confidence yielded due to systematic error (bias). Here we addressed these issues using hundreds of single-copy orthologous (SCO) genes in psyllid transcriptomes and genomes. Our analyses revealed conflicts between the nucleotide-based and amino-acid-based phylogenetic trees. While the nucleotide-based phylogeny strongly supported the (Aphalaridae + Carsidaridae) + Others relationship, the amino-acid-based one recovered Aphalaridae + (Carsidaridae + Others) with 100% support. Further inspection revealed significant compositional heterogeneity in nucleotide sequences for 67% of SCO genes, but not in the corresponding translated amino acid sequences. We then used different strategies to combat this compositional bias, and found that using the RY-coding strategy (coding the standard nucleotides as purines and pyrimidines) the nucleotide-based phylogeny became consistent with the amino-acid-based one. We further applied RY-coding to a published concatenated nucleotide dataset and recovered the Aphalaridae monophyly (which is refuted by the original literature on non-recoded sequences) at the base of psyllid tree. Moreover, it was found that variations in evolutionary rate could lead to errors in nucleotide-based phylogeny. The fast-evolving Heteropsylla cubana (Psyllidae: Ciriacreminae) was incorrectly placed within the subfamily Psyllinae. This bias can be avoided by using data removal or RY-coding strategies. Together, our results strongly support the family relationship of Aphalaridae + (Carsidaridae + Others), and show that the amino-acid-based concatenation analysis is more robust than nucleotide-based one. Future phylogenomic analysis of psyllid nucleotide sequences should take into account methods such as the RY-coding scheme to address potential systematic biases arising from composition and rate heterogeneities.
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