The Shaken Baby Syndrome (SBS) is the result of a severe form of physical abuse inflicted on children under the age of 2, mostly by parents or other caregivers, to quiet their inconsolable crying. The violent shaking of the child results in devastating consequences up to death or can lead to serious neurological sequelae and/or compromise of their neurodevelopment. The clinical diagnosis of SBS is not always easy and immediate, especially in cases where the picture presents with subtle signs and symptoms not directly attributable to abuse: it is therefore fundamental that the family pediatrician is aware of this nosological entity, suspects it in the presence of certain risk factors, always considers it in the differential diagnosis like any other pathology, and above all prevents it through sensitization and education of parents and other caregivers to adequately manage their child's crying. This article aims to emphasize the role of primary care pediatricians in knowing, recognizing, and preventing the shaken baby syndrome.
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