Abstract Like all multi-authored texts, the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment (AMA Guides) presents some challenges and inconsistencies, and in March 2002 AMA published an errata. The latter has only one correction for Chapter 17, The Lower Extremities, and this article reviews some additional problems and inconsistencies in Chapter 17. For example, the AMA Guides, Fifth Edition, gives inconsistent instructions about measurements of muscle atrophy, and this article recommends simple, unambiguous directions such as measuring thigh and leg circumferences 15 cm superior and inferior to the medial joint line of the knee, respectively. One could argue that no goniometer should be included in Figure 17-1a, Using a Goniometer to Measure Flexion of the Right Hip; in Figure 17-1b, the goniometer should be placed with its axis at the center of rotation of the right hip. In Figure 17-1c, the limb of the goniometer overlying the left femur should instead be parallel to the tabletop. Additional sections of the article discuss joint ankylosis; peripheral nerve injuries; causalgia, complex regional pain syndrome, and reflex sympathetic dystrophy. A careful reading of Chapter 17 uncovers some problems, none of which is critical, but all should be noted by frequent users of the AMA Guides.
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