We report an update and enhancement of the ACONFL (conformer energies of large alkanes [J. Phys. Chem. A2022,126, 3521-3535]) dataset. For the ACONF12 (n-dodecane) subset, we report basis set limit canonical coupled-cluster with singles, doubles, and perturbative triples [i.e., CCSD(T)] reference data obtained from the MP2-F12/cc-pV{T,Q}Z-F12 extrapolation, [CCSD(F12*)-MP2-F12]/aug-cc-pVTZ-F12, and a (T) correction from conventional CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pV{D,T}Z calculations. Then, we explored the performance of a variety of single and composite localized-orbital CCSD(T) approximations, ultimately finding an affordable localized natural orbital CCSD(T) [LNO-CCSD(T)]-based post-MP2 correction that agrees to 0.006 kcal/mol mean absolute deviation with the revised canonical reference data. In tandem with canonical MP2-F12 complete basis set extrapolation, this was then used to re-evaluate the ACONF16 and ACONF20 subsets for n-hexadecane and n-icosane, respectively. Combining those with the revised canonical reference data for the dodecane conformers (i.e., ACONF12 subset), a revised ACONFL set was obtained. It was then used to assess the performance of different localized-orbital coupled-cluster approaches, such as pair natural orbital localized CCSD(T) [PNO-LCCSD(T)] as implemented in MOLPRO, DLPNO-CCSD(T0) and DLPNO-CCSD(T1) as implemented in ORCA, and LNO-CCSD(T) as implemented in MRCC, at their respective "Normal", "Tight", "vTight", and "vvTight" accuracy settings. For a given accuracy threshold and basis set, DLPNO-CCSD(T1) and DLPNO-CCSD(T0) perform comparably. With "VeryTightPNO" cutoffs, explicitly correlated DLPNO-CCSD(T1)-F12/VDZ-F12 is the best pick among all the DLPNO-based methods tested. To isolate basis set incompleteness from localized-orbital-related truncation errors (domain, LNOs), we have also compared the localized coupled-cluster approaches with canonical DF-CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pVTZ for the ACONF12 set. We found that gradually tightening the cutoffs improves the performance of LNO-CCSD(T), and using a composite scheme such as vTight + 0.50[vTight - Tight] improves things further. For DLPNO-CCSD(T1), "TightPNO" and "VeryTightPNO" offer a statistically similar accuracy, which gets slightly better when TCutPNO is extrapolated to the complete PNO space limit. Similar to Brauer et al.'s [Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.2016,18 (31), 20905-20925] previous report for the S66x8 noncovalent interactions, the dispersion-corrected direct random phase approximation (dRPA)-based double hybrids perform remarkably well for the ACONFL set. While the revised reference data do not affect any conclusions on the less accurate methods, they may upend orderings for more accurate methods with error statistics on the same order as the difference between reference datasets.
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