At present, accelerator driven systems seem to have a good chance to play an important role in a long-term sustainable utilization of fission reactor technology. Compared with reactors, such systems offer several advantages regarding the incineration of minor actinides. However, they demand intense neutron sources. The spallation neutron source is favoured for this purpose because of its high neutron emission intensity, which seems to be attainable. The Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Novosibirsk is developing a 14 MeV fusion neutron source on the base of the gas dynamic trap (GDT), which is primarily destined for an irradiation facility for fusion material research. The potential of this neutron source as driver of a minor actinides burner was studied by means of neutron transport calculations and compared with a spallation source. To this end, a simple model of a burner was derived from an international numerical benchmark exercise that was conducted by the Nuclear Energy Agency of the OECD. The paper presents and discusses the main results of the study and draws the conclusion that both the source strength and the efficiency of the GDT-based neutron source must be substantially increased. Moreover, advices are derived, which show that by stretching the neutron production volume and by raising the electron temperature of the GDT plasma the desired improvements could be accomplished.
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