Background: Megaloblastic anaemia is the hematologic manifestation of faulty proliferation of blood cell precursors. The present study was done to facilitate the diagnosis prior to performing any bone marrow aspirate by estimation of the value of serum LDH in the diagnosis of megaloblastic anaemia.Methods: The cases were selected from patients attended the OPD and admitted in Sanjay Gandhi Memorial Hospital & Gandhi Memorial Hospital, Shyam Shah Medical College, Rewa, Madhya Pradesh. Following investigations were then done to classify anaemia and to establish the diagnosis of megaloblastic anaemia like Haemoglobin estimation by cyanmethaemoglobin method, PCV, RBC count and absolute values, general blood picture, reticulocyte count, bone marrow examination and serum LDH estimation before and after treatment.Results: Of the 100 cases, 50 cases (50%) of the cases were microcytic hypochromic anaemia. 15 cases (15%) were normocytic normochromic anaemia; 35 cases (35%) were macrocytic anaemia on the basis of general blood picture and absolute values. The incidence of megaloblastic anaemia in Indian adults was 20%. Maximum number of cases (90%) of the cases had serum LDH level of more than 1000 U/L. Range of serum LDH level was 520 U/L to 4520 U/L. Thus, there was 2 to 20-fold of highest reference value (240 U/L at37 C) rise in serum LDH level in megaloblastic anaemia.Conclusions: Megaloblasatic anaemia is not uncommon in Indian adults and serum LDH levels provide an important means of diagnosis. It is a non-invasive procedure, safe, and does not require any expertise.
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