본 연구는 국내 육성 밀 3품종을 이용하여 파종량과 밀잎집눈무늬병의 발생정도를 조사하고, 이 식물병을 효과적으로 방제하기 위한 약제를 선발하기 하기 위하여 수행되었다. 파종량이 기준량의 2배로 증가할 때 발병률이 약 13% 증가하였다. 그러나 감수성인 조품밀만이 2배량 파종시에 발병률이 높아지는 유의적인 차이를 보였다. 잎집눈무늬병의 방제 약제 선발을 위해 배지상에서 약제별 효과를 검정한 결과, Triazole 계통인 Hexaconazole EC과 Tebuconazole EC는 균사생장을 효과적으로 억제하였다. 하지만 strobilurin 계통의 Pyraclostrobin EC과 Trifloxystrobin SC는 균사 억제 효과가 약하였다. 식물체에 직접 처리하여 약효를 검정한 결과, in vivo 활성과 in vitro 활성은 유사하게 나타났고 예방효과가 치료효과보다 높은 것으로 나타났다. 즉, Hexaconazole EC와 Tebuconazole EC의 예방효과는 각각 64%와 73%였고, 치료효과는 각각 45%와 39%였다. 본 연구결과는 Hexaconazole EC와 Tebuconazole EC가 밀에 발생하는 입짚눈무늬병의 방제제로 이용될 수 있다는 것을 나타낸다. This study was conducted to examine the effects of the seeding rate on the disease incidence of sharp eyespot(Rhizoctonia cerealis) on three different varieties and to select effective chemicals to control the disease. When the seeds were sown twice as many as the recommendation, the disease incidence increased by approximately 13%. However, the susceptible variety 'Jopummil' alone showed the significantly enhanced disease incidence at a two-fold seeding rate. Two chemicals such as Hexaconazole EC and Tebuconazole EC highly inhibited the fungal growth on agar medium. However, two strobilurin fungicides such as Pyraclostrobin EC and Trifloxystrobin SC were relatively weak. The fungicides tested displayed the similar in vivo antifungal activities as in vitro activities. Hexaconazole EC and Tebuconazole EC showed the strongest both protective and curative activities and the protective activities of the chemicals were generally higher than the curative activities. Hexaconazole EC and Tebuconazole EC controlled the disease by 64% and 73%, respectively, and the two chemicals reduced the disease by 45% and 39%, respectively, when they were applied one day after pathogen inoculation. These results indicate that both Hexaconazole EC and Tebuconazole EC could be used to control sharp eyespot on wheat.
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