C-type inactivation of K+ channels is a molecular process of great physiological significance. It affects the firing patterns of neurons in the central nervous system, and the repolarization of cardiac cells in the heart. The most widely held hypothesis is that C-type inactivation involves a constriction of the selectivity filter, which has been observed in crystal structures of the bacterial KcsA channel. However, crystal structures of no other K+ channels have been captured in a similar constricted conformation, and the significance of the KcsA structures remains controversial. Our recent study of the KcsA channel explained the origin of the extremely long timescale for recovery from inactivation in KcsA (∼10 sec) on the basis of the constricted filter conformation. From this result, we now are in a position to systematically test the hypothesis that C-type inactivation is universally caused by a conformational transition toward a KcsA-like constricted filter. Using all-atom molecular dynamics simulations, we have modeled the Kv1.2, Shaker, and MthK channels with their selectivity filter in the constricted conformation by combining the high-resolution crystal structure of these channels and the coordinates of the pinched KcsA filter (1K4D). Extended molecular dynamics simulations were performed for each channel to determine the stability of the constricted conformation. The goal is to determine why some channels can inactivate (KcsA, KcsA D-ala77, MthK, Shaker) whereas some channels cannot (Kv1.2), and the effect of critical mutations on C-type inactivation in KcsA, Shaker and Kv1.2.
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