Two matured Shropshire Sheep of nearly the same age were selected and fed on the mixed hay for almost half a year as maintenance ration. About 800kg. of hay were gathered from an uncultivated land, cut about 1-2 inches long and mixed thoughouly. The sheep fed on this fodder could maintain their body weight. In the middle of this experiment, feces and urines excreted from by these animals were taken and analysed.The experimental results obtained are as follows:1. Digestibility of general constituents of this hay did not differ from the results obtained by other investigators, showing on an average: 62%, , in dry matter, 67% in organie matter, 48% in crude protein, 56% in crude fat, 71% in carbohydrate, 27% in crude ash.2. Nitrogen in feces was determined; water soluble nitrogen was as much as about one-fourth (25%) of total nitrogen; water soluble protein nitrogen, 7%; Nitrogen soluble in 10% NaCl, 7%; Nitrogen soluble in alcohol, 5%; Nitrogen soluble in dilute alkali, 33%; Insoluble nitrogen 30%.3. In the Carbohydrates of feces, the following compounds were determined: Total carbohydrate in dried feces, 48-49%; In 100% of total carbohydrate, Weende's crude fiber 35%; Weende's nitrogen free extract 65%; Cellulose 18-19%; Cutin 7-9%; Lignin 7%; pentosan 21-24%; pentosan free nitrogen-free extract 49-45; Starch and soluble sugars 4%.4. Feces contained the following mineral matters: Total crude Ash in dried feces 21-23%; In 100% of total ashes, Potash 2-3%; Soda 4%; lime 9-10%; agnesia 4%; Iron oxide 6-7%; Phosphoric acid 7-8%; Chlorine 0.1% sulfuric acid 2%; silicic acid and sand 64-66%.5. As regards the Urine, the following results were obtained: reaction, strong alkaline; Specific gravity 1.0374-1.0571; dry matter, 3.9-6.8%; 100% of urinarydry matter were contained organic matter 48%; inorganic matter, 52%; urea 9-15%; ammonia 0.2-0.5% hippuric acid 29-38%; uric acid 0.3-0.9%; Creatinin 0.1%; other organic matters 2%.6. In 100% of urinary crude ash were contained: Potash 56-60%; Soda 5-6%; lime 0.6-0.4%; Magnesia 3-5%; Iron oxide 0.4-0.8%; phosphoric acid 0.3-0.4%; Chlorine 24-27%; sulfuric acid 7-9%; silicic acid 1-4%.7. Digestibility of carbohydrate was calculated: Weende's crude fiber 72%, Weende's nitrogen free extract 70%, cellulose 78%, Cutin 67%, lignin 59%, pentosan 72%, pentosan free nitrogen free extract 68%.8. According to the investigation of Nitrogen metabolism, each sheep was found to have digested 7-8 grams of nitrogen and deposited 2.8-2.9 grams of nitrogen every day. The sheep excreted every day 12-17 grams of hippuric acid, i. e. 3.8-6.5 grams of glycocoll and 8.8-13.0 grams of benzoic acid, while they digested only 40 grams of crude protein.9. The Calculation of Apparent digestibilities of hay ashes showed that Chlorine was digested in 98%, potash in 86%, and sulfuric acid in 66%, while Soda in only 20%, lime in 12%, magnesia in 15%, iron oxide in 18%, phosphoric acid in 15%.10. Each sheep showed a positive balance regarding eyeay mineral matter except both soda and magnesia, and one sheep showed a negative balance of hlorine. The mixed hay contained an excess of potash as compared with soda and a little excess of lime as compared with magnesia. It contained too much of silicic acid. Therefore, if a sheep shall be fed on hay alone, it will be necessary to give it an additional amount of impure salts.11. The proportion of hay ashes distributed in the urines, feces and balance was caluculated. Potash was excreted in 80-88% in the urine and only 11-16% in feces while soda only 25-29% in the urine and 80% in feces. Lime was excreted almost completely in feces. A large part of magnesia was excreted in the feces, and only 15-28% in the urine. Both phosphoric acid and Iron oxide were excreted almost completely in the feces. On the other hand Chlorine was completely excreted in the urine. Sulfur was excreted equally in the urine and feces.
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