AC steel arc furnaces are the most powerful units connected to the electrical grid, the operating mode of which is dynamic, asymmetrical and non-linear. That is why these furnaces cause the entire possible range of negative effects on the quality of electricity in the grid, in particular, fluctuations, asymmetry and non-sinusoidal voltage.Known proposals for improving the electromagnetic compatibility of electric arc furnaces are mainly focused on eliminating the consequences of their negative impact on the power grid.The proposed approach and the corresponding technical solution are aimed at reducing the level of generation of a negative factor and at the same time reduce fluctuations, asymmetry and non-sinusoidal voltage. This result is obtained due to the fact that the proposed solution takes into account the peculiarities of the range of modes natural for arc furnaces. Optimal for such consumers is the use of a constant current power supply system I=const in the range of modes from operational short circuit to maximum load and the system U=const in the whole other range of modes. The implementation of such a system is carried out on the basis of a resonant converter «constant current – constant voltage».Studies have found that the use of such a power supply system, in comparison with the traditional circuit, makes it possible to reduce the non-sinusoidal voltage in a low-power grid from 3.2 % to 2.1 % and the unbalance coefficient from 3.66 to 1.35 %. Previously published data on a significant reduction in voltage fluctuations was also confirmed.The positive effect of such a system on the energy performance of the furnace itself is shown, manifested in an increase in the arc power by 12.5 %, and the electrical efficiency by 5.1 %. This improves the productivity and efficiency of electric arc furnaces
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