Breast cancer among women occupies a leading position in the profile of cancer incidence in most parts of the world. The present study of the incidence and prevalence of breast cancer was carried out using data from the Chelyabinsk population cancer registry for 2006-2015. A stable growth trend in the incidence over time was noted overall, as well as major differences in the figures for women of different ethnicities (Russian, Tatar, Bashkir), by far the highest incidences being observed for Russian women. Urban rates were generally higher than in rural sites and a shift towards older age at presentation was seen between 2006 and 2015. At the same time a slight decrease in mortality was noted, from 42.4% to 33.5% relative to incidence, with a decrease in the proportion of stage IV cancers. This might have been related to increasing use of mammography screening. The data have obvious connotations for primary prevention and particularly for measures adopted for secondary prevention in detection of the disease in its early stages, facilitating reduction in associated mortality. Improvement in screening rates is thus a high priority for more effective management of breast cancer in the region.
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