The Vallès-Penedès Fault is a Neogene normal fault marked by the presence of two established geothermal systems at La Garriga-Samalús and Caldes de Montbuí, within the Catalan Coastal Ranges (NE Spain). The analysis and collation of existing and new geological and geophysical datasets provide the basis for the development of an improved conceptual model that explains the presence and localization of hot geothermal fluid systems at relatively shallow depths (e.g., 60 °C at surface and 90 °C at 1 km). Geothermal flow is concentrated within Paleozoic granodiorites of the immediate footwall of the V-P fault, host rocks that are susceptible to fault-related fracturing, and the generation of both extension and hybrid fracture systems in association with active fault displacements. Flow localization is enhanced further by the presence of fault-related structural complexities, with both systems marked by 300 m wide steps in the main fault trace. These are attributed to relay development and breaching characterizing host rocks by high fracture intensities and fault rock development on a fault that locally has a vertical displacement of over 1.5 km. Accentuated fracturing and deformation are consistent with strain localization predicted by existing models for the development of fault zones along normal faults. The plumbing of the geothermal systems is attributed to up-fault flow in combination with lateral flow controlled by the intersection of the V-P fault with a low-angled Paleogene thrust defining the base of the host-rock granodiorites, with the geothermal systems localized at the distal end of the thrust. Sustained geothermal flow is attributed to groundwater flow circulation associated with seismic pumping and valving of warmer and deeper fluids, and the ingress of groundwater along faults and within fractured basement rocks.
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