The article considers innovative pedagogical management as a means of transforming pedagogical systems into a qualitatively new state, as a tool for building a new, more prosperous and developed society as a whole. The main changes that every manager needs to make if he wants his educational institution to be able to fully realize its potential are outlined.
 Innovative pedagogical management involves solving two interrelated tasks: first, the management of technological, organizational and economic innovations; secondly, managing the process of development and distribution of new highly effective pedagogical technologies, new methods, techniques and tools of teaching, education and personal development. Its characteristic features are systemic, collegiality, democracy, flexibility in the preparation, adoption and implementation of management decisions and more.
 In today's dynamic environment, the long-term effectiveness of the educational institution is increasingly dependent on targeted changes that are continuous, affecting the mode of its operation by the management of controlled adjustments to preset statistical indicators. To achieve recognition and satisfaction of students, parents, the public, the head of a modern educational institution must not only create a functioning system that works in a certain, consistently repetitive mode, but also be able to update it and thus bring it into dynamic balance or harmony with changing environments.
 The authors study the process of creating and using educational innovations, emphasizing the importance of translating it from spontaneous to purposeful, planned. It is shown that the main directions and tasks of innovative management should be considered: development and implementation of a unified innovation policy; defining a system of strategies, projects, programs; resource provision and control over the course of innovation activity; training and education of teachers; formation of target teams, groups that implement solutions to innovation projects, creating an innovation environment.
 The content of innovative pedagogical management in the educational institution involves, firstly, a targeted policy on the organization of education based on new information technologies in traditional educational institutions, and secondly, the development of new types of organizational structures, institutional forms characteristic of modern education. Formation and development of the system of innovative pedagogical management is evolutionary in nature and is achieved through the coordinated actions of the entire teaching staff.
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