The paper offers a comprehensive overview of the main tools of corporate social responsibility and their impact on the company’s reputation. In the context of this study, it was identified that the main global areas of corporate social responsibility are social program development, volunteering and environmental protection, charity and sponsorship. According to the groups of influence on stakeholders, these CSR implementation tools have conditionally been divided into three blocks. The first one is more aimed at the internal audience. We define volunteering and environmental protection as common by their impact for both external and internal audiences. Charity and sponsorship have more impact on external stakeholder groups. At certain points of the implementation of social responsibility programs, these areas can complement each other. The knowledge of foreign experience makes it possible to add such block as brand identity to these commonly used tools, which is an important tool for promoting the company as a whole and uniting the company into a single organism. The tools such as labels, codes of conduct, and certificates help to ensure trust in the quality of the product, establish trust with the target audience, and become an integral part of the company’s corporate social responsibility. Inspection of the fulfillment of the undertaken obligations of social responsibility and detection of violations in compliance with such responsibility by the internal departments of the company and external organizations extends the boundaries of the areas of corporate social responsibility. In this context, the method of audits becomes an important component of corporate social responsibility. PR tools serve to build understanding and interconnection between stakeholders and companies that position themselves as socially responsible.