Investigation of the interaction of various particles with polyatomic molecules is a complex problem having fundamental and applied significance. Complex organic molecules serve as transformers of various types of excitation into spontaneous and stimulated emission of light; a low-temperature plasma in the vapors of complex organic compounds is used, for example, in plasmachemistry. For the diagnostics of plasma and its simulation, it is necessary to know the constants of the elementary processes of energy transfer during the interaction of its constituent particles. First of all, this relates to the cross-sections for the excitation of atoms and molecules by electrons and to the dependence of these cross-sections on the energy of the electrons (the excitation function). A relatively large amount of information has been accumulated by now on atoms and simple molecules; for complex molecules the number of works is limited, and the absolute cross-section for excitation was not known at all until recently. The authors should single out the investigations of electron impact excitation functions in crossed electron and molecular beams and the works dealing with the study of inelastic scattering of electrons in crossed beams and a gas-filled cell. The method of crossed beams is the most universal onemore » for investigating the interaction of a molecule with an exciting electron, since it provides information about the behavior of an isolated molecule. The purpose of the present work was to construct a facility for studying the functions of excitation of an isolated molecule by electron impact, to measure the absolute values of the cross-section for excitation of fluorescence, and to investigate the fluorescence kinetics upon electronic excitation with nanosecond time resolution for a number of compounds.« less
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